Well, clearly I've fallen off the face of the blogosphere. I'm back. Today, at least. I'm not going to make any promises for now about what's next or when I'll be back. I'd like to get into having a blog routine but we'll see what happens.
I haven't stopped making things over the past year. The circle journal project finished up in maybe April or May but I've made a number of...well, random things, as per usual.
These are the last of the pictures of the circle journal pages I made.
This page was pre-stamped with...I think it's a Suzi Blu image. I pretty much just colored her in then added the hearts, bird, doodling and quote on the right side.
This next page was based on a girl I drew after taking a fun online workshop called Whimsy Girls by Megan K. Suarez. Check out her blog for more information: