Thursday, March 10, 2011

ICE Resin

It's been a while!  What's new?

Last month as our "kit" for our Out of the Box book club (formerly, Scrapbook club) we were given:
ICE Resin (Created by Susan Lenart Kazmer)
the book Explore, Create, Resinate: Mixed Media Techniques using ICE Resin by Jen Cushman
a bezel
a little cup
& a stir stick

I was thrilled!  I had been wanting to try resin but was a bit intimidated with having to measure exact amounts & stir everything exactly perfectly, not to mention my concerns about toxicity.  It was enough to put me off of trying it before now.  Anyway, the book is gorgeous!  So many creative people contributed so many lovely pieces to it.  It also has great ideas on how to use the ICE Resin.  I loved that the resin came in a containers where I could press the plunger & the correct amount of both the resin & the hardener would come out.

I added pool colored alcohol ink the first time.   I poured a partial amount, filling maybe half of the bezel after the stirring & waiting process (2 minutes of stirring, 5 minutes sitting, stirred in the alcohol ink, then waited another 5 minutes for the bubbles to dissipate under my lamp).  The day after, I added my butterfly (painted with acrylic paint) & filled it in with more resin, this time I left it clear.  I love that it domed!  I figured there would be a few bubbles but I can't see any.  It looks like glass.  The only things I didn't like were more of a user related issue in that I think it would have looked nicer if I had added Mod Podged paper to the bottom of the bezel in  a light color to bring out the other items a bit more & if the contact paper I used had actually sealed my word properly. I made a few other things alongside this & will be back (hopefully) with a few pictures.

I love that you can use the amount you need & save the rest for later!  Very user friendly.  I'm looking forward to picking up some more bezels & making more pendants with what I have left.