Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Matting art

I can do it, there's nothing to it! Laugh at me if you like (especially if you know where the song comes from). I tend to make some things more complicated than they actually are in reality. It's really as simple as this, I went to Aaron Brothers, bought some Self-Adhesive Linen Hinging Tape, looked at the example on the box & copied it. I ended up with several pieces of my alcohol ink nicely hinged/matted. Easy peasy!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A yarn experiment

I hadn't knit in quite a while but recently got the craving. I consider myself mostly a scarf & blanket knitter. I finished this today (note: it's not royal blue but a bit lighter):

I didn't stop there. I tossed in the washing machine with a pair of jeans on the hot cycle. After checking it every few minutes for just over one cycle...this is what happened:

It's currently drying. When completely dry, it will be a bowl for holding smallish items.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Craft fair

I will be at Sunday, Crafty Sunday (North Park Craft Mafia)
on Sunday, October 5th
noon - 5 pm
@ Filter Coffee House
4096 30th Street (@ Polk Street)
San Diego, CA 92104
Come on down! I will be bringing some of the new items that I've been working on.